Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mac's Birthday

Yesterday was Mac's 13th birthday. I find birthdays to always be bittersweet, whether it is my own or someone else. Mac was excited, I do not think she shares my feelings. Her party was a lot of fun. Her cousins were there and the food was delicious. Except Mac made the mistake of saying "who doesn't love hamburgers?". Daddy is a vegetarian and Mac's dad had to get in a snide comment about that fact. Not to be stereotypical, but her dad is one of those closed-minded, silent cowboy types. I am quite sure Brokeback Mountain is not his favorite movie.

Mac's brothers and sisters made the birthday cake. It was a chocolate pudding cake and oh so rich and moist. The Scarlatti siblings are talented in the baking department. That is something I have loved while staying with them. I also love to bake and it has been a lot of fun to try new recipes for cupcakes and cookies.

After cake and pictures Mac opened her presents. I must be spoiled. I usually get a fair number of presents. Usually one expensive gift and several smaller ones. Mac received a saddle and a bag with "Nicki", the name of her mare, printed on the front. But she did not seem to want for anything else. I do not think I could have picked a family more opposite than my own to stay with.

I was tired by the time the party was over and feeling a little sad. I helped with some of the ranch chores and then went to see Mac. She knew instantly that I was down and let me snuggle in bed with her and Rex. I think she is the most caring out of the Scarlatti family. She has always had a lot of responsibility for her younger siblings and the many baby animals on the ranch.

I was glad she let me sleep in her room that night. To be honest, Cameron's room scares me. He is very into bones and hunting.


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Life on the Ranch

I must confess I am not entirely cut out for living on a ranch. Papa needs to rescue me very soon and get me back to the city. Plus I miss him.

But Mac's family is very lovely even if her father has an occasional negative opinion about my family. I love being part of such a big family. There are six Scarlatti children (you will meet them soon when Mac starts her own blog) and so many animals. I have only been around cats and dogs before.

Every morning I help the siblings with farm chores. Well, some of the chores. I enjoy feeding the chickens and collecting eggs. But mucking stalls is too hard for me and their Angus cattle scare me a little. Those things are enormous!

Living with the Scarlatti's is a little bit like going to summer camp. I get to try new things and live in a different environment. The best part is that it doesn't last forever and soon I will be back in my own bed. And poor Lavender will stop being teased by the dogs!


Friday, July 15, 2011

My First Post

I never had a blog before and I might be a little rusty at first. I suppose the first place I should begin is, naturally, at the beginning.

My name is Angelica Gracielle Murciano-Green. I am nine-years-old and an only child. I do have a cat. Her name is Lavender Praline and she is just a little bit over a year old. Sometimes she is very moody, but most of the time she is sweet and likes to snuggle.
 I am originally from Miami, Florida but moved to New York City when I was three. I do not mind it here, but I do miss my friends. Papa is still in NYC getting all the paperwork finished and all that stuff I do not yet understand about selling a house. Too much paperwork for me! I am more like Daddy in that aspect. We would both rather create than go completely by the books. That is why Daddy is an art teacher and Papa is a lawyer. Right now I am staying with a family friend who also just moved here from NYC. Papa worked for her in the city and she got him a job here as well. They live on a ranch and I have been having fun letting the oldest girl, Mac, show me how to be a farm girl. I will be glad to get back to my new room, though. It is very pink, which is my favorite color. I already had it decorated before my parents had to go back to the city.
One last thing you should know about me is I like to figure out how things work and I always have to have a project to work on. And I already figured out what my first project is. My new neighbor is also nine. Her name is Jess Sullivan and I know we are going to be best friends.
