Friday, July 15, 2011

My First Post

I never had a blog before and I might be a little rusty at first. I suppose the first place I should begin is, naturally, at the beginning.

My name is Angelica Gracielle Murciano-Green. I am nine-years-old and an only child. I do have a cat. Her name is Lavender Praline and she is just a little bit over a year old. Sometimes she is very moody, but most of the time she is sweet and likes to snuggle.
 I am originally from Miami, Florida but moved to New York City when I was three. I do not mind it here, but I do miss my friends. Papa is still in NYC getting all the paperwork finished and all that stuff I do not yet understand about selling a house. Too much paperwork for me! I am more like Daddy in that aspect. We would both rather create than go completely by the books. That is why Daddy is an art teacher and Papa is a lawyer. Right now I am staying with a family friend who also just moved here from NYC. Papa worked for her in the city and she got him a job here as well. They live on a ranch and I have been having fun letting the oldest girl, Mac, show me how to be a farm girl. I will be glad to get back to my new room, though. It is very pink, which is my favorite color. I already had it decorated before my parents had to go back to the city.
One last thing you should know about me is I like to figure out how things work and I always have to have a project to work on. And I already figured out what my first project is. My new neighbor is also nine. Her name is Jess Sullivan and I know we are going to be best friends.



  1. Hi, Angelica! :-)

    Welcome to the world of blogging. We always enjoy making new online friends.

    Great intro, and we look forward to reading more!

    The Green Girls

  2. Hi Angelica! I'm Wendy. Nice to meet you. =) I like your room!

  3. Salut, Angelica! My name is Sabine Bouchard, and I am a 14 year old French girl from Lille, France who loves music, movies, and clothing.
    It's very nice to meet you; I cannot wait to read more about you!

  4. Hola, Sabine. I always wanted to learn French. Do you know any Spanish? I know some, but I speak it a lot better than I write it.

    Hi Wendy and The Green Girls. It is so good to meet all of you. I cannot wait to read your own blogs! Emily says this is a great blogging community.


  5. Great to have you here on the blogs .. hope you are enjoying your time on the ranch .. we just found your blog .. welcome to our world..

